Generate a design of a newly developed carry cot to attract higher customer rates and increase satisfaction.

A friendly cot of quality
By selecting a friendly design language with clear lines and curved surfaces, a soft and high-quality design was achieved. It appeals stronger to the customers idea of a comfortable and safe carriage for their child.

Design with focus on what matters
The design has to express safety and comfort at the same time, to reassure parents and serve the intended function best. It is a design challenge to combine these attributes, that contradict each other in many ways. With an eye for detail, the outcome blends soft and hard together to reflect the customers wishes.
Ergonomics, a process impression
For parents it is important to have perfect accessibility at all times to their child. We iterated on the safety buckle, handlebars and other features to improve the understandability and speed of interaction.

Ergonomics, a process impression
For parents it is important to have perfect accessibility at all times to their child. We iterated on the safety buckle, handlebars and other features to improve the understandability and speed of interaction.