Design a hand scanner for diagnostics of rheumatoid arthritis. Hemics develops and supplies medical systems in the field of rheumatoid arthritis. The hand scanner is a diagnostic system that measures the circulation around the hand and wrist joints in a non-invasive manner using light. This allows the system to infer the degree to which the tissue is inflamed. In this manner, medication use can be better coordinated with the development of the illness in the patient, so that overmedication can be prevented.
D’Andrea and Evers has developed the system in collaboration with Demcon and has made it ready for production. In this process, Demcon has developed the interior works and D&E the casing. Good coordination of the work activities has led to a short turn-around time and a nice end result.

A non-invasive hand scanner for the detection of rheumatoid arthritis
The design of the hand scanner provides a recognizable form for the product which fits in the world of medical systems. The form is clear and thereby engenders trust in the patient and the care giver. It fits within the office design of a treatment room but remains clearly a medical system. The construction of the system is cost-effective and can be easily assembled and serviced.

A more accesible and efficient method
Currently, a rheumatologist uses a time-consuming (and painful for the patient) method of pinching each joint to determine the degree of inflammation in the patient’s hand. The quick and accessible hand scan enables the rheumatologist to monitor the development of the disease in a more non-invasive way, and allows rheumatism patients to be monitored more frequently. In this way, medicine use can be better adjusted to the development of the disease, thus preventing over-medication.
The construction of the system is cost-effective and can be easily assembled and serviced
DE DESIGN has developed the system in collaboration with Demcon and has made it ready for production. In this process, Demcon has developed the interior works and DE DESIGN has designed the casing. Good coordination of the work activities has led to a short turn-around time and a nice end result.

The construction of the system is cost-effective and can be easily assembled and serviced
DE DESIGN has developed the system in collaboration with Demcon and has made it ready for production. In this process, Demcon has developed the interior works and DE DESIGN has designed the casing. Good coordination of the work activities has led to a short turn-around time and a nice end result.